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City Hall to host three abstract artists

SNELLVILLE – City Hall will host the art of a trio of abstract artists for two months.

Paintings by Carol T. Vey, Tara Hanlon Hamm and Sherry Robinson will be on display April 8 through June 2 in the Art Gallery in the Community Room of City Hall, 2342 Oak Road.

The reception for the artists is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 8.

Vey said she is back to making art after a hiatus.

"Having worked mostly with fused glass in the past, I am excited to be concentrating on the mixed-media components that I favored with my glass pieces, in addition to the photographic images that I've either captured or come across in multiple ways," she said. "The design of my work has its beginnings from many sources, evolving as my life changes, adapting as my life sometimes complicates.

I am a collector of the unusual image, phrase, or idea; always on the lookout for something that I can use in one of my pieces. My pieces of art are fraught with the seemingly unrelated, which upon further close inspection might reveal to the viewer just how my mind works!"

Hamm, who grew up in upstate New York, attended both Maryland Institute, College of Art and Atlanta College of Art. Setting aside art, she moved on in the medical field but after 15 years she finally picked up her brushes again and hasn't looked back since.

She describes her art as "contemporary paintings (which) focus on the abstract and organic characteristics found in nature, combining dark and intriguing color with rich heavy textures."

Robinson is an Atlanta native and, for a brief period, was an art major in college while attending Georgia State University. Following a more than 30-year career in Computer Technology, she took to her art work once again. She is also director at Kudzu Art Zone Gallery and Studios.

"At this point in my art work I enjoy experimenting with all realms of techniques, mediums, and subject matters," she said. "For me the discovery of something new is as exciting as a beautiful finished work of art. Many of my art pieces are from photographs I have taken; so my art work is a memory of an adventure or a representation of a story or person I care about. I have created a company called Art a la Sherry in which to share my artwork with others."
