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Senior Center set to re-open June 14 after it was closed more than a year due to pandemic

SNELLVILLE — After being closed more than a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Snellville Senior Center will return to regular hours starting June 14.

“We are thrilled to finally be re-opening the doors to the center and can’t wait to see our members,” said Senior Program Supervisor Kathi Gargiulo. “I believe most of our citizens are very excited and ready to get back to the programs they were enjoying prior to the pandemic and we are eager to serve them!”

Starting May 1, the Senior Center has been slowly transitioning back into programming as the pandemic restrictions have been eased by state and federal leaders. However, Parks and Recreation officials want to make sure a full re-opening went as safely and smoothly as possible. Officials planned two events in May and allowed three groups to meet weekly. After filling two vacant staff positions to provide full service and more programming to members, the Senior Center is ready to open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. starting June 14.

“We are very excited to have a date in sight in which we can re-open the center to serve our members and citizens again,” said Director of Parks and Recreation Lisa A. Platt, CPRP. “We want to make sure as we re-open that we are taking steps to be as safe as we can for the sake of our members health. We have been communicating with many of our members and the groups that utilize the facility.”

Members will still be required to wear masks and social distance. There will be hand sanitizer throughout the facility and frequent cleaning will take place regularly.

“Our job is to offer as many programs as we can for the members to be stimulated physically, mentally and spiritually,” Platt said. “But we will also maintain a safe environment while offering such programs for our members. While the center will re-open June 14, not all previous programming will start back immediately. We will gradually add programs and special events.”
